OPHIUCHUS WHO? Thoughts from a Gemini

With all the resurfaced buzz about a thirteenth horoscope I still strongly identify as a Gemini, but can the seasons really dictate pivotal character traits?

Gemini’s have a dual outlook towards life, just like their sign of duality.

For anyone who didn’t know an article is making the rounds again claiming NASA discovered a 13th astrological sign, Ophiucus, meaning the majority of peoples star signs would change. Nasa explained that the zodiac – which people based their astrological sign on – are simply constellations that are in line with the Earth and the Sun as the planet follows its orbit. Ophiucus was always present but the Babylonians decided to leave it out so the zodiac better fit their 12 month cycle.

Ophiuchus constellation

Lets first clear up a difference here, astrological signs are dictated by which month you are born and correlate to the dominant stars in the sky. Horoscopes are predictions based upon your star sign.

Overall Astrological signs are pretty generic and for this reason I think anyone can find relatable traits but these are supposed to be my dominant characteristics that feed my personality. I find myself quite interchangeable dependant on mood, season, company and even how I feel in which clothes I decide to put on for the day. Astrological signs are believed by some to dictate your traits and characteristics whilst others believe horoscopes create a placebo effect within you, this could be seen as similar to Law of Attraction where you believe something is going to happen or want it to so you actively find yourself in the situation where it occurs.

Now traits for star signs can vary dependant on source so I simply googled Gemini traits and tried to find the first reliable resource rather than someones personal opinion. I’ll bee scoring each section out of 10 on how accurate I think the section is to develop an overall score.

10. Superficial – 4

Quick to judge others & wrong impressions of people – I can be known to make snap judgements from small interactions but am happy to be proved wrong and often am! This is based on personality and interactions though and never looks or material possessions which I think steers it away from the superficial category

Likes to show other people that they are happy and doing well even when they are not. They have an attitude of showing off. – I’m a pretty honest person, I wont bring my troubles to anyone but wont actively put out there only the best parts of my life like todays ‘Instagram society’ programmes us to do. I definitely take pride in my work and enjoy treating myself but am pretty confident I am not a show off.

9. Adaptable – 8

Adaptable to every situation and every person. – I believe i’m flexible to many a situation and person, frankly the toughest person I am hard on is myself

They are not bossy but are rather very compliant with what others tell them to do. – When I’m right i’m right, but will always help or seek out tasks to help. I love listening to different people approaches as I think that’s the strongest way to develop.

Pretty easy going and very accommodating of what others have to say or do. – As long as I don’t disagree morally this is true, and like I said previously is a great way to discover and develop.

8. Impulsive – 7

A Gemini reacts right away to situations, and as a result, they have a very panicky temperament. – I do think about things before they occur and try to think of all possible outcomes and any solutions that may be needed, that to me doesn’t ring impulsive though as I am pre-meditating that. I can definitely have panicky temperament in situations I care about.

Gemini’s are wound up spring absorbing everything they can about their surroundings at once and quickly let go of their response to the situation. But if there is no situation to be wound up about, a Gemini misses the feeling and wants to experience excitement and variety. – This is quite a big one to digest. I definitely carry some of these traits such as being bored on my day off and visiting Belgium just for some variety.

Personally I feel i’m impulsive with things I want to do but if plans change I cant deal with that even if I react quickly or am good at navigating situations I feel uneasy.

7. Energetic/Restless – 8

A Gemini has too much energy and can get a little fickle minded due to this huge amount of energy flowing through his veins.

A Gemini would start working on one exciting project but soon may find another one more exciting and start working on that one, they leave a path of incomplete ventures in their wake. – 1000% true, but focusing on blog and my 101 in 1001 list has been a game changer for me changing this habit. I may take time but get there eventually

Due to too much energy coursing through their body, a Gemini tends to be extremely restless. They are an impatient lot. They get fidgety and irritated when they have nothing to do – I can’t sit still for long periods of time and always have to be doing a thousand things at once. I can’t just sit and watch a movie without being on my laptop of phone multitasking. This isn’t the worst trait though as it’s led me to some exciting new hobbies like bouldering.

6. Clever – 7

A Gemini is quick to understand, learn and apply ideas – Humble brag here that I was told I was the quickest to transition from training to live directing solo in my new job. There are elements of things I just can’t grasp but overall I do think I’m very quick at learning new things, especially in topics that excite me as there is already a driving passion there.

If they were to focus their energy in one place, their ingenuity and brainpower would allow them to complete their project with success and creativity. – This is so me! It goes hand in hand with the energy and creative ones in the way that I have too many ideas to focus on they all get diluted, that and the fact I have a habit of either wanting it to be perfect or not doing it at all.

Quick tongued due to their inborn cleverness and always have a good comeback to anything a person says. – I’ll often think of the absolute perfect response hours later, but I’m fairly quick witted.

5. Devious – 5

Ability of being good with words, they can be manipulative. They can persuade a person to do almost anything. In a business or even in friendships, they can get people to take their side. – I don’t want to admit this but I have a high percentage rate of getting what I want, it’s all pretty trivial though, I think important things in life you have to work hard for.

They can also say the perfect things to a person to achieve their goal. They can effortlessly validate any move they make and clarify any deed. They can basically convince the people around them of anything they want. – I’m not sure how many situations i’ve been in to really test this, as I said before it’s mainly trivial things, and with my earlier admittance that i’m an overthinker and planner I don’t think I could exactly effortlessly validate, rather meticulously plan.

4. Imaginative – 7

A Gemini is a very creative person and artistically inclined. – Speaks for itself when I work in media and have a tonne of artistic hobbies.

They have an ingenious mind and are innovative. Their imagination knows no bounds. – As a kid my imagination was out of this world, literally. I don’t think I’ve lost this but I think as an adult i’m stumped in practicalities and what’s achieveable.

Their ideas are mostly original as they do not think like the mainstream people. They are good pioneers. – I feel like I get lots of inspiration from others, I have a distinct style but am not sure how ‘original’ it is.

3. Indecisive – 9

Due to duality in their nature, a Gemini is indecisive.He/ she is hesitant to reach a conclusion and is wavering from his/ her decisions. I would much rather have decisions made for me and it takes me all day to even decide what I want for lunch never mind bigger life choices.

Unable to put a finger on what they want or make up their minds – I often think ‘what could’ when making decisions, If I choose to live a year in London rather than a year in Scotland for example, what opportunities am I missing out on it Scotland instead, sure London could be fun, but you never know the other side and if a decision is made for me I can be happy with the ‘what is’ rather than ‘what could’

2. Independent – 3

A Gemini is tremendously independent. He/ she cannot be stubbed by anyone or any rules. – I had never been independent until 2019 and had to come to terms with admitting it’s ok to ask for and accept help. Now though I am making my own path (whilst still taking advice and help where needed) It’s a journey, but an exciting one.

He/ she must experience the world on his/ her own. -Well that’s exactly what I was trying to do before Co-vid. I’d planned to do a short city break every month this year, I even wrote about my day trip to Belgium. But these things happen and i’ll get my backpack out again soon – hopefully!

Change and liberty are extremely important to a Gemini. – I hate change! Admittedly I’m usually wrong about situations that change but the initial switch is daunting to me.

1. Good Communication Skills / Social Butterfly – 4

A Gemini is the master of communication! They can help you get what you need by helping you with their arguments and fervor. – I can struggle to concisely explain but, my brain works faster than my mouth.

They also give good advice. – Well, I don’t know about this, I think i’m a good listener but ill often give my truth rather than what someone would want to hear, so I guess it’s a coin-flip on this with who is on the receiving end of it.

They also LOVE to talk! Talk about themselves, new topics and have a good knowledge of things too. – Get me going and I can talk all day, and the sound of silence is deafening to me, but I often just need background noise and time to myself. I think if i’m comfortable I will be quite talkative but I don’t think i’m above average in that department, and unless it’s professional I don’t talk too much about myself, it took my years to even tell my friends I wrote blogs!

A social butterfly is someone who is social or sociable with everyone usually fluttering from person to person, the way a butterfly flutters from flower to flower. – I grew up incredibly shy, even back last year I struggled to speak to strangers or socialise at parties. I think developing my professional skills as well as a ‘don’t give a f**k’ attitude I’ve started to conquer this and found out the world is not as scary as I thought, and if it is it’s not worth my time.

Extreme extrovert but sometimes he/ she just needs some time for one’s own self too. – I am no extrovert, but damn I can fool people into thinking I am, I spend a lot of time doing my own thing but that doesn’t mean I want to be on my own. Sometimes someone just chilling next to you whilst you both do your own thing is a good time.

So there is is. My in-depth, star filled, character study of me as a Gemini. And I scored 62/100, over half-way but not by a mile. And let’s not forget this was completely self-analytical.

Do you believe in Astrological signs?

What star-sign are you?

Has your sign changed if you follow the 13 zodiacs rather than 12?

Let me know in the comments below and follow for more!

18 thoughts on “OPHIUCHUS WHO? Thoughts from a Gemini

  1. booksforall93 says:

    This is really interesting. I don’t believe it myself but I’m happy for people to believe in it. I like that there is adaptability in it though and not all traits can relate to a single person and their mood can change based on the day. Thank you for sharing this.


  2. cherbelle says:

    This was so interesting to read. I don;t want another star sign, I identify so well with my sun sign as well as my rising sign.


  3. Roni says:

    This was so interesting to read as my boyfriend is a Gemini and all of these descriptions match him completely!!

    Roni | myelevatedexistence.com


  4. Ellie Wright says:

    Apparently I’ve changed from a Libra to a Virgo!? My personality says otherwise haha. Libra through and through x


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